Wednesday, September 8, 2010

reading preferences

Here are my reading preferences from greatest to least!

1. Historical Fiction - I love the escape into another world aspect of historical fiction! While you're intrigued by characters, you also learn about another time's my favorite!
2. Adventure - Sometimes I feel like my life does not have much adventure in a pirate or espionage sort of way so books packed with loads of adventure always draw me in!
3. Fantasy Fiction - Yet again, I read to escape and get lost in a world that is not my own. Fantasy is the perfect way in which to do that...especially when you are tired of reality.
4. Mystery - Although I cannot handle too much suspense due to the sleep i lose because of the gripping fear someone is going to kill me, I do enjoy a good mystery every now and then. I usually read them super fast because I have to know if the butler or the sister-in-law did it.
5. Science Fiction - I have read probably two science fiction books in my life. There are parts that I enjoy and others where it gets a little too complicated. I feel like the majority of these books are too removed from reality for me.
6. Romance - I love romantic stories, but I do not ready the classic "romance novel". I enjoy books that are romantic but clean or PG rated. 
7. Horror - Never will I ever read a horror book. I tried a couple of years ago to watch The Shining and made it about 15 minutes and still hate to think about what my eyes saw. If I felt that way about a movie, I do not need to be reading horror details in a novel.
8. Nonfiction - As I have said before, my reason for reading is to escape. Nonfiction really defeats that purpose. I do love an occasional book that teaches me and helps me grow as a person, but that is really the extent of my nonfiction.
9. Poetry - I do not like poetry. I think that it's romantic and there are times I wish to be more free spirited and artsy, but the fact is I'm not. I like stories...not words jumbled together in the form of a puzzle/riddle. 


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