Sunday, September 12, 2010

Anticipating "The Hobbit"

I am really excited to read "The Hobbit"! I read it when I was eighth grade and thought that it was alright. I remember loving the hero's journey aspect of the book. The fact that Bilbo drops everything and just goes to the Lonely Mountain was such a cool thing to me as a thirteen year old girl. I also loved the companionship that was built among the group that traveled the journey to the Lonely Mountain. They started out not really knowing each other and finished the journey as a close knit group. There were a couple of things however that I did not enjoy about the book my last time through. Parts seemed extremely long and drawn out at times. It was difficult for me to focus on all the songs and tiny details that I was convinced didn't matter at all. I am excited to read it again seven years later and see how my maturity level and understanding of the world effects my view of the book.

This time through I'm going to focus more on symbolism. I now know as a college student that Tolkien used symbolism to connect his story with the real world in some way. I cannot wait to read parts that I all together do not remember. I also want to see the change in the characters from the beginning of the journey to the end. I think my analysis of their personalities will be much more accurate and interesting now that I am older. It's so refreshing to read good books! What a joy children's literature truly is!

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